Pegwell Bay, Cliffsend
Pegwell Bay starts with the Weatherless Hill wastewater treatment plant that serves Kentish communities of Ramsgate, Margate and Sandwich. Wastewater is often seen as a dirty topic that is best to be blanked from our consciousness, however as we are seeing in examples around the world much can be gleaned from the sewage before treatment and discharge. Our first small idea taps into the steady state thermal energy and extracts this low grade energy, that is boosted to heat or cool nearby buildings.
To further ‘polish’ the water through, an expansion of the biodiverse natural wetland at the adjacent Pegwell Nature Reserve so that flora and fauna all receive a net positive. By the time the tertiary effluent has passed through the constructed wetlands, it is suitable for reuse in buildings and landscape. The St Augustine’s Golf Club could be a prime user for the water as any new agricultural or building interests.
The old Ramsgate Hovercraft Port is a concrete structure stripped of buildings and lying desolate gradually being reclaimed by shrubberies with little ecological value. However, the structural integrity is such that it could support the construction of a new community that is founded upon the concrete piers. But rather than densely packing in multiple units, our next small idea is to create streams for the treated water to meander through – further creating habitat as well as soothing the sensory needs of mixed community.
The Viking Ship Hugin overlooking the Bay for centuries is an inspiring symbol of longevity and adventure.